Tetraplegia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, diabetes…
Together, we can change the lives of millions of people

Make the impossible possible


On 18 July 2024, Sophie Cluzel launched an appeal in Challenges magazine to France's 500 biggest fortunes: what if you …

18 July 2024

Fundraising, News, Press

Clinatec, secteur hospitalier
"Between light and brain implants, the Clinatec laboratory is taking a close look at the brain": read the article written …

8 July 2024

BCI (Brain-Computer Interface), News, Press

démonstrateur NIR, implant cérébral pour lutter contre la maladie de Parkinson
Thank you to Sciences et Avenir and to Lenaïg Corderoc'h for the fine article published following the visit to our …

28 June 2024


New therapeutic avenues

For many diseases and disabilities, there simply is no effective treatment. At Clinatec, our research focuses on real alternatives that can succeed where drug therapies have failed.

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Our research is at the unique intersection between medicine and technology.

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