Growing needs
Every year, the number of patients at therapeutic dead ends increases.
These patients, who have exhausted all available treatments, suffer from a wide range of debilitating conditions, from neurodegenerative diseases and motor disorders to memory loss, sleep disorders, and paralysis.
Lifestyles and demographics are partly to blame. In most places around the world, life expectancies have increased.
While we’re living longer all over the world, healthy life expectancy is stagnating or even declining in some countries. In France, the age of transition from functional health to impaired health limiting activities of daily living is 65 (INSERM). As the global population continues to age, more people will be living with disability longer.
The growing dependency burden will affect not only the families of the elderly, but all of society. In some parts of the world, the cost of disabled and dependent care could double over the next several decades. The need to develop new therapies is more pressing than ever. A growing population’s quality of life and ability to live well despite disability or disease will depend on it.
The need to develop new therapies is more pressing than ever. A growing population’s quality of life and ability to live well despite disability or disease will depend on it.

Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer’s disease slowly destroys neurons and their connections. People suffering from Alzheimer’s forget recent conversations and events, see their executive functioning skills decline, and lose track of time and space. Cognitive impairment gradually increases, and patients become more and more dependent.
The disease affects nearly 36 million people worldwide, and 15% of people over 80. Sources: WHO 2021, INSERM 2019.
Parkinson's disease
Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that causes characteristic tremor, slow movement, rigidity, and balance problems. Some of the lesser-known symptoms include depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, and cognitive impairment.
A current 8.5 million people are living with Parkinson’s disease around the globe, with the number of cases doubling over the past 25 years. Disability and mortality associated with Parkinson’s disease are growing faster than for any other neurological disorder. Source: WHO 2019. The number of people with Parkinson’s disease is expected to increase to 17 million by 2040. Source: Dorsey E, Bloem BR (2018) The Parkinson pandemic — a call to action.

Epilepsy is a chronic seizure disorder that can affect people of all ages. There are an estimated 50 different epileptic syndromes. Abnormal electrical activity in the brain can result in different types of seizures, some with motor symptoms like jerking or spasms, and others with non-motor symptoms like staring. The patient may also lose consciousness.
Around 50 million people worldwide suffer from epilepsy, making it one of the most common neurological disorders. Source: WHO 2022.
Tetraplegia is the paralysis of all four limbs (which is why it is also sometimes called “quadriplegia”). It is generally caused by injury to the cervical spine, or C-spine. Most of the spinal cord injuries that result in tetraplegia arise from preventable situations like car accidents, falls, and physical assaults. However, tetraplegia can also be caused by diseases like cancer or spinal cord degeneration.
Every year, between 250,000 and 500,000 people worldwide suffer spinal cord injuries. Source: WHO 2019.

Diabetes, a chronic disease, is when the pancreas either doesn’t make enough insulin, or when the body can’t use insulin efficiently. Diabetes is a major cause of blindness, kidney failure, heart attack, stroke, and lower limb amputation.
According to the World Health Organization, 8.5% of the adult population has diabetes. Diabetes is one of the four most common non-communicable diseases. Mortality associated with diabetes increased 3% from 2000 to 2019. Source: WHO 2019.
“A society is only as advanced as the care it gives its most vulnerable members. Supporting the Clinatec endowment fund is important to us. We believe that Clinatec’s research on neurological diseases and disability will result in more inclusive patient care.”

“Transforming the lives of patients and their caregivers is what drives our efforts to develop innovative solutions. We are more committed than ever to supporting this kind of groundbreaking research.”