What's new at Clinatec

See all Clinatec endowment fund articles, news, and publications.

On 18 July 2024, Sophie Cluzel launched an appeal in Challenges magazine to France's 500 biggest fortunes: what if you …

18 July 2024

Fundraising, News, Press

Clinatec, secteur hospitalier
"Between light and brain implants, the Clinatec laboratory is taking a close look at the brain": read the article written …

8 July 2024

BCI (Brain-Computer Interface), News, Press

démonstrateur NIR, implant cérébral pour lutter contre la maladie de Parkinson
Thank you to Sciences et Avenir and to Lenaïg Corderoc'h for the fine article published following the visit to our …

28 June 2024


miniature voyage de presse
This Thursday, June 27, Clinatec opened its doors to the press to present its projects, researchers and infrastructures. …

27 June 2024

Event, Guests, News, Press

William arrived in early May for a 4-month internship at Clinatec as part of his final year at INP Polytechnique. …

27 May 2024


Rapport d'activité 2023
The year 2023 marks the new ambitions of the Fonds Clinatec. Read our activity report to find out more. …

30 April 2024

Activity report, News

Sophie Cluzel
Today, Thursday April 11, 2024, is World Parkinson's Day. Sophie Cluzel, President of Fonds Clinatec, highlights the public health challenges …

11 April 2024


Stages Expleo
We have recently welcomed three new recruits: Manal Ouboukha, Aya Kroussa and Baptiste Clavières, all three of whom are students …

29 March 2024

(PBM) Photobiomodulation, BCI (Brain-Computer Interface), Careers, News

Portrait de José Martinez Hernandez
José has joined the Fonds Clinatec teams to conduct research on the "PatchLight" project. …

19 March 2024
