Accueil / How you can help / Make a donation today
Make a donation today
Are you interested in supporting the development of new therapies? The Clinatec endowment funds accepts donations from individuals and organizations.

Corporate sponsorship
When your company makes a donation…
- Your brand is associated with a leading center for scientific research.
- You become part of a circle of visionary sponsors.
- You rally your employees around a meaningful cause.
- You add philanthropy to your CSR program.
For companies in France, 60% of your donation is tax deductible up to a maximum of €20,000 or 0.05% of annual revenue excluding VAT*.

For example, the actual cost of a €50,000 donation is just €20,000 after the tax deduction.
*Donation-related tax deductions over the annual threshold can be applied to the five subsequent tax years.

Individual donors
Every donation is tax deductible. When you make a donation:
- You accelerate the search for new treatments for neurological diseases, diabetes, and disabilities.
- You support the development of better-targeted, less-invasive medicine.
- You help get medical innovations to patients faster.
For every donation you make, 66% is tax deductible*.

For example, the actual cost of a €1,000 donation is just €340 after the tax deduction.
*Up to 20% of your taxable income each year.
Send a check
Send your check made out to Fonds Clinatec
and the completed donation form to:
Fonds Clinatec
17 avenue des Martyrs
38054 Grenoble Cedex France