« Grâce à l’engagement et à l’expertise d’Expleo Group, Clinatec a pu accélérer ses recherches et se rapprocher des applications cliniques, au bénéfice direct des patients. Nous tenons à les remercier chaleureusement pour leur soutien indéfectible et leur passion pour l’innovation, qui nous aident à construire la médecine du futur. » Laurent Hérault
Skills sponsorship is an effective way of supporting Clinatec. By working with us, Expleo Group has made it possible to develop and optimise the algorithms for decoding brain activity, which are essential to the operation of this implant.
From a human adventure point of view, the 45 Expleo Group employees involved in Grenoble, as part of our teams, had the opportunity to live a stimulating experience in several respects:
– They have enriched their career paths by developing new skills and putting their know-how into practice in a highly multidisciplinary context.
– They have been able to give even more meaning to their professional activity by contributing to an important cause of general interest.
Many thanks to Expleo for its ten-year commitment to us!
- Find out more on the website of our sponsor Expléo: click here
- To see the BFM TV chronicle of 10 Sept: click here