The evening was an opportunity for the Clinatec management team to reiterate the specificity of Clinatec, at the crossroads of physics and medicine: putting technological innovations at the service of medicine to prevent, detect and treat brain pathologies.
Multidisciplinary cooperation between the CEA, Grenoble Alpes University Hospital and Grenoble Alpes University means that knowledge can be pooled in the general interest, with a single aim: to innovate and rapidly offer new therapeutic solutions to patients.
During the evening, Sophie Cluzel explained how improving the quality of life of disabled people and patients is a social issue, and how this has motivated her commitment to Clinatec, which places the patient at the heart of its research programs.
Geneviève Fioraso, former French Minister of Higher Education and Research, showed how Grenoble and its ecosystem have succeeded in mobilizing public and private players around the Clinatec cause, and François Jacq, General Administrator of the CEA, reminded us why Clinatec was born out of the CEA, in the continuity of its actions in the field of medicine since its creation.
Prof. Stephan Chabardes and Dr. Cecile Moro presented the progress made by the NIR Parkinson project, which aims to treat Parkinson’s disease using near-infrared light. The project won an award from the Netexplo observatory, represented last night by Thierry Happe, its Chairman.
🙏 Many thanks to all our patrons and benefactors for their presence, their strong commitment and their support for Clinatec projects, and thanks also to Thierry Derez for his testimonial and his recommendation: “Go to Clinatec, observe, you’ll be convinced!”
Last but not least, congratulations to Églantine Eméyé, who hosted the evening with dynamism and humour!