“I’m proud to make my contribution to the KLESIA SomniBrain project […] because sleep disorders have a considerable impact on quality of life and autonomy.”
Hi Magali,
What’s your background? How did you come to work at Clinatec? and what project are you working on?
After obtaining my baccalaureate, I focused my studies on biology, preparing a bachelor’s degree in physiology and bioengineering, followed by a Master 2 in Integrative and Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Provence, Marseille. My first professional experiences came during internships at the Institut des Neurosciences de la Timone (INT, Marseille), where I consolidated my skills in behavior and electrophysiology.
My professional career continued as an engineer at the Grenoble Institute of Neuroscience (GIN), involved in the European Neurinox project. I worked on microglia-mediated neuroinflammation in mesiotemporal epilepsy. I then joined the Centre d’Immunologie de Marseille Luminy (CIML) to study stem cell and macrophage biology. After returning to GIN as engineer in charge of a behavioral platform for the GREnoble (GREEN) project, focusing on neurodegenerative diseases, I took charge of setting up and developing this platform. At GIN, I also researched behavioral disorders associated with Parkinson’s disease.
Today, at Fonds Clinatec, I’m reinforcing the photobiomodulation team and working under the supervision of Dr Brigitte Piallat on a pre-clinical model of Parkinson’s disease. Cognitive and motor tests were carried out on Parkinsonian subjects after near-infrared illumination during sleep.
I’m proud to contribute to the KLESIA SomniBrain project. It’s of significant importance to me because sleep disorders have a considerable impact on quality of life and autonomy.