Manal, Aya and Baptiste are students at Clinatec. They are made available by EXPLEO as part of its skills sponsorship program.
Manal Ouboukha is preparing a Master’s degree in Biomedical Physics at the University of Montpellier. She joins the team for her end-of-studies internship in “Quality and Regulatory Affairs”.
She is involved in a project to validate a medical device currently under development and, under Lucile Cochard’s supervision, is in charge of preparing clinical trial authorization files for the application of photobiomodulation in Lewy body dementia, and subsequently for recovery from myocardial infarction.
Aya Kroussa is preparing a Master 2 in Signal and Image Processing at Aix-Marseille University. She joins Clinatec’s BCI project team and is supervised by Rémi Souriau. Her internship topic is “Development and testing of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) decoding algorithms as part of the design of a neuroprosthesis to compensate for motor disability”.
Baptiste Clavières is a student engineer at ISEN, École d’Ingénieurs des Hautes Technologies et du Numérique in Antony (Hauts-de-Seine). He joins the BCI project team for his end-of-study internship. He is working with Serpil Karakas to develop a human-machine interface that can be used by paraplegics and quadriplegics.
We welcome them to our team and thank Expleo Group for supporting our research projects!