What's new at Clinatec

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démonstrateur NIR, implant cérébral pour lutter contre la maladie de Parkinson
Read the article in Le Monde on the work of Professor Chabardès presented at the World Congress of Stereotactic and …

9 September 2024

(PBM) Photobiomodulation, News, Press

On 18 July 2024, Sophie Cluzel launched an appeal in Challenges magazine to France's 500 biggest fortunes: what if you …

18 July 2024

Fundraising, News, Press

Clinatec, secteur hospitalier
"Between light and brain implants, the Clinatec laboratory is taking a close look at the brain": read the article written …

8 July 2024

BCI (Brain-Computer Interface), News, Press

miniature voyage de presse
On Thursday 27 June, Clinatec opened its doors to the press to publicise its projects, researchers and infrastructure. …

27 June 2024

Event, Guests, News, Press