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Fonds Clinatec
Make the impossible possible

Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, tetraplegia, epilepsy  : the number of people affected by disabilities or chronic illnesses is exploding.

In Europe, 1 in 4 adults lives with a disability. The number of cases of neurocognitive disease in Europe is expected to double by 2050. Too many women and men have no satisfactory healthcare solution.

There is an urgent need to open up new therapeutic possibilities, and the Fonds Clinatec puts technology at the service of medicine. To prevent, detect and treat brain pathologies using physics-based approaches. Light to protect our brains, electricity to block symptoms, cold to prevent seizures.

Biomedical and technological innovations are the future of patients’ autonomy and social and professional inclusion, thanks to a transdisciplinary and international team.

From fundamental research to clinical trials, with our network of partners and international recognition, the Fonds Clinatec has won 4 Grand Prix awards and 2 world firsts.

Gert-Jan Oskam, paraplegic patient operated on at CHUV in 2023 says ”   It’s been a long road, but now I can stand up, it’s a pleasure many people don’t realize.   “

Our challenge  is going even further and respond to the therapeutic impasses of our time.