Clinatec in the media spotlight

Clinatec, secteur hospitalier

“Between light and brain implants, the Clinatec laboratory is taking a close look at the brain”: read the article written by journalist Léna Corot and published by L’Usine Nouvelle.

They’re talking about us in the press!

démonstrateur NIR, implant cérébral pour lutter contre la maladie de Parkinson

Thank you to Sciences et Avenir and to Lenaïg Corderoc’h for the fine article published following the visit to our site in Grenoble.
The article entitled ‘Spotlight on Parkinson’s disease, a medical device implanted in the patient’s head’ presents the NIR (Near InfraRed) research project being carried out at Clinatec with the aim of treating Parkinson’s disease.

Press visit to Clinatec

miniature voyage de presse

This Thursday, June 27, Clinatec opened its doors to the press to present its projects, researchers and infrastructures.

World Parkinson’s Day

Sophie Cluzel

Today, Thursday April 11, 2024, is World Parkinson’s Day. Sophie Cluzel, President of Fonds Clinatec, highlights the public health challenges associated with this disease.

The new Fonds Clinatec project: Diabetes and stress

Diabète et stress

This January 2024, we are launching a new project, Diabetes and Stress, combining data analysis and artificial intelligence to establish a new device for quantifying stress, and its influence on blood glucose levels.
We interview the researchers and players involved in the project to gain a better understanding of the issues at stake.