Consult the Fonds Clinatec 2023 activity report

The year 2023 marks the new ambitions of the Fonds Clinatec. Read our activity report to find out more.

Rapport d'activité 2023

The Fonds Clinatec’s 2023 activity report is now available!

A particularly eventful year for the Fonds Clinatec®, 2023 saw the arrival of a new Director, Laurent Hérault, a new Chair of the Campaign Committee, Sophie Cluzel, and the appointment of Professor John Mitrofanis as Scientific Director.

These changes reflect a significant evolution in the Fund’s ambitions, and marked the shift undertaken in 2020 when it positioned itself as a research operator, consolidated on the eve of its tenth anniversary by a new visual identity.

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“Year after year, the Fonds Clinatec strengthens its relevance. In the medical research landscape, it distinguishes itself by closely combining physical science, interdisciplinary collaboration, agile and international expertise, and cutting-edge technologies from CEA, in the service of health and the greatest number of people. Laurent Hérault, Director of Fonds Clinatec

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